Rigging and Safety Precautions

Rigging is a necessary requirement when it comes to moving large construction equipment, building materials and other oversize items. However, the process is generally complex and requires years of experience and certifications to ensure safety and efficacy during transport and installation.

The following list of questions that need to be considered prior to execution or a rigging operation: What are the hazards associated with rigging project? What are the Roles and responsibilities of each rigger’s assigned task? What are the targets and goals for the day? What are the weights of the material and equipment being hoisted? Are there lifting limitations of gear and hoisting devices? Is there team communication to ensure every team member knows his / her responsibilities?

Pre operation checklist for riggers includes: Are team members trained and do they understand the hazards associated with the task? Is each team member qualified to do assigned work observe the proper procedures? Are all team members and operators aware of the surface conditions? Are the operators familiar with the correct rigging techniques and equipment (e.g., slings, shackles, hooks, hoist, blocks etc.)? Does the team understand the protocol to follow in the event of any problems and or issues?

Proper safety procedures and strong leadership are required to maximize safety in any rigging project. The goal of any rigging operation should always begin with safety and observing strict rules of engagement will help to minimize potential hazards to protect people and property. Selecting the right Master Rigger must include an evaluation safety procedures and processes. In addition, a history of safe operation with limited incidents or accidents should be made available by any reputable Master Rigger.

Our Industry


US DOT# 602483
MC: 287492
Master Rigger Lic. No. 135



44 Railroad St.
Huntington Station, NY 11746
Mon-Fri | 7am - 4pm
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